
Leaf has gone Plastic Negative

Leaf has gone Plastic Negative

Leaf Shave is taking a “Plastic Recovery Pledge” in partnership with rePurpose Global. We are committing this year to funding removal of 40,000 pounds of ocean-bound plastic.

Image Credit: rePurpose Global

Why are we doing this?

Plastic waste is at the heart of our mission at Leaf Shave. As our products reach more hands across the globe, we're helping users avoid engaging with disposable plastic from the start.

But there’s more we can do.

And this year we’ve decided to begin a second arm of support that shaves closer to the problem. Through our partners at rePurpose Global, we're funding programs that bring our small brand firmly into plastic-negative.

We didn’t create this problem, but we’re committed to doing our best with the time we have to offset and correct as much of it as we can.

Image Credit: rePurpose Global

Double Impact

Funding programs that actively remove and divert plastic waste has a double impact:

  1. Less plastic-waste in oceans and our environment
  2. A positive, lasting community impact

The program we’re supporting this year is called Hara Kal, Hindi (हरा कल) for Green Tomorrow, and has it’s footprint in Kerala, India. Kerala is a beautiful region with mountains and shoreline, and is home to commercial abundance in tea, coffee and spice; as well as ecological abundance in wildlife, forests and diverse species. But Kerala is rapidly urbanizing alongside hundreds of disperse, small villages with practically non-existent waste management systems.

This project mobilizes local women’s groups by funding training and employment, and increases earning opportunities. The outcome is a brand-new waste management supply chain that collects and ethically processes neglected low-value plastic that would otherwise have been destined for our oceans.

We strive to always have multiple “whys” in what we do at Leaf Shave. And this initiative helps us further extend our reach and impact, with the support of our customers and community.

How are you recognizing Plastic-Free July?

- Team Leaf


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