Earth Day

Earth Month 2022

Macro shot of bee on honeycomb, by Meg

I have a simple mission for Leaf: to put a zero-waste razor in the hands of every shaver on Earth. We founded the company on the premise that a better way to shave could also be better for the world around us.

Having this dual purpose gives us a deeper level of pride in our work. I'm honestly proud of the planet-first initiatives we've undertaken in the past year:

  • → Upgraded our razor packaging to improve performance and protection while not sacrificing its fully paper-based, curbside recyclable nature.

  • → Our blade recycling program had it's biggest year yet, thank you to everyone who takes the extra effort to recyclable your blades!

  • → We're in the middle of our annual Climate Neutral certification, Leaf Shave operations have been carbon neutral since 2019.

  • → We introduced a razor repair program that helps keep your razors running even if they ever encounter any challenges.

Every year during April's Earth Month, we take the opportunity to highlight a non-profit doing critical work in environment & ecological science, research action and advocacy. Our aim is to educate ourselves about a cause (because we're curious creatures) and to share some of the things we learn with you. And we donate a portion of sales from Earth Month to the non-profit. In the past, we have supported Coral Restoration Foundation and Adaptation Fund.

This year, a happy accident in production of our Silver finish resulted in a gold-tinted version which we weren't able to sell normally. So we called it Honey and used that as inspiration in choosing this year's non-profit partner Pollinator Partnership. Because of your support, we were able to donate more than $19,000 to Pollinator Partnership from sales through the month of April.

Thank you!!

Pollinators are critical contributors to our global ecosystem, their survival and health are vital. They allow plants to reproduce, which provides us with fruits, vegetables, nuts, fibers, raw materials, and half of the planet’s oils. In the United States alone, pollination by honey bees, native bees, and other insects produces $40 billion worth of food annually.

Bees are hard-working, collaborative, and hyper-intelligent. Like a super hero in a comic book they use magnetic fields to guide them. And like each of us, they get thirsty (awww).

But pollinators are also vulnerable to disease, extreme weather from climate change, and destructive human sprawl. Bees are fighting an uphill battle, and they need our help. There are many things even you can do at home!

  • → Setting out water and food for foragers, or workers

  • → Reduce or eliminate any home-use of pesticides

  • → Call a professional to re-home bee swarms in danger

  • → And stay calm if one lands on you, they may just be tired. You too can save a single bee life.

If any of this sounds overwhelming, remember, progress over perfection!


Check out some of the eco-friendly brands we collaborated with this Earth Month:


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