A very berry Earth Month

Three blue razors set against a blue background

The first Earth Day ever was marked in the year 1970. The movement started in response to fear around the rapidly developing auto industry and our insatiable appetite for cars spewing out leaded gas. The heavy industry was emitting copious amounts of smoke, resembling a chimney stack in full operation, and even surpassing it by orders of magnitude.

Consciousness around the environment was growing, and our foot being held firmly against the Earth’s throat, galvanizing a community inspired by anti-war protests. Activist organizations began forming and national demonstrations spun up in communities, college campuses, faith-based organizations, and more. 

Earth Day 1970 crossed the political aisle with support from both Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, urban and suburban. This groundswell lead to the formation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and some of the first laws surrounding environmental protection. 

Why does Leaf Shave recognize Earth Day and Month?

We are not shy about our mission at Leaf. First, we want to make great products—innovative products that move the state of the art (in this case—shaving) forward meaningfully, for a wide variety of people. 

It turned out that a better razor was also better for the beautiful world around us. We could help people not only reduce plastic consumption in their shaving efforts but completely eliminate it. So very early on, we embraced this as a core identity. Since launching Leaf five years ago, we’ve time and time again walked our own talk.  

  • Climate Neutral Certified since 2019
  • Financial support for non-profit eco / environmental work
  • Strict product development guardrails 

What does Earth Month nonprofit support look like?

Our formula is simple. Every Earth Month, we choose a global nonprofit to support by giving a financial donation. We choose the group and focus each year, and then we learn a bunch of fun things about what that organization does because we love learning! And we share what we learn with our community, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We also find a special finish for our razors and add it to our lineup for a limited time during Earth Month.

Last year, we supported Pollinator Partnership and their work helping secure the future of pollinators. Did you know that bees get thirsty? How cute is that! We also dropped a never before seen finish that we affectionately called “Honey.” It was a happy and total mistake, actually. One of the production of our Silver finish runs came out funky and gold-ish, so we went with it because no way were we going to waste a perfectly good product.

Who are we supporting this year?

This year, Leaf Shave is happy to announce that we’ve selected Pacific Whale Foundation (PWF) as our Earth Month partner. We’ll be making a financial donation at the close of the month to PWF. It's a bit of a contrast, really. Last year, we were up in the air with those adorable bees. This year, we're plunging into the depths of the ocean to help the largest creatures to ever walk (or swim) the Earth. We, humans, are the problem. We have to be a solution. 

We’ll talk more about the kind of research and conservation work that Pacific Whale Foundation does in our next article. Their scope is wide, and we love their focus on science!

What’s the Limited Edition drop in 2023?

We’re bringing back the fan favorite Berryblue. It’s been nearly two years since the first drop was a hit. Ocean. Big Beautiful Whales. Blue. It was obvious what we had to do. So we’re doing a second drop of this limited edition finish, which is available starting today (April 1st) and available only while supplies last.

$3 from every Berryblue razor, kit, and bundle sold this month will be donated to Pacific Whale Foundation. 

Happy Earth Month 2023! Take this time to learn, connect, and advocate. We hope that you enjoy our month of whales, and if you’ve been thinking of making a leap with Leaf Shave, please consider making that switch this month.

- Team Leaf


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